Hey there, I am

Polina Shliakhina

Frontend Developer and Design Ge


Headshot of Polina

Hi! My name is Polina. I am a front-end developer based in Florida. Born and raised in Kyrgyzstan, I moved to the US in search of opportunities and unique experiences. My love for integrating technology with design led me to study web development at the University of Central Florida.

Passionate about problem-solving and never-ending learning, I am excited to dive into the world of web development and continue refining my skills with the right company. Have a question or interested in working together? Contact Me!



Project #1
Weather App using Vanilla JS and API

Wanting to expand my knowledge and skills in Web Development, I enrolled in SheCodes workshops. The most challenging and exciting project was to design and develop a weather app using a live API provided by OpenWeather. This was the project that showed me the potential of JavaScript and APIs.

Wanting to challenge myself, I created my own design and icons instead of copying a template provided by SheCodes. One of the biggest challenges was figuring out how to use my own icons instead of icons provided by OpenWeather.

My Journey to UCF project

Project #2
Responsive Web Desing using SASS

Final project for a Front-end Web Design class. The main objective: design & develop a single-page responsive website that describes my journey through UCF using HTML, CSS, and SASS.

I decided to go beyond the listed requirements and challenge myself to create an appealing design that forced me to learn new technical skills not previously covered in any class. The first challenge was creating a responsive background, using blurred ellipses that change position and size according to the viewport. The next challenge was designing “cards” - the combinations of images and text that are orientated and positioned according to the screen size.

Project #3
Survey Form using Vanilla JS

Final assignment for a Client-Side Scripting class. The main objective: build a survey form that offers hints, uses a variety of input types, and performs basic validation before delivering the results of the survey to the page.

This project showcases my knowledge of DOM, JavaScript, RegEx, and love for BoJack Horseman. It was by far the most challenging, yet rewarding project to date.

Vanilla Weather App

React Native App

This is the final assignment for the Mobile Development class at University of Central Florida. The main objective was to build a React Native app with three components and at least 3 screens. This project is inspired by Adventure Trips program in UCF. This app showcases all of the upcoming trips and allows users to read more about the trip, save them and search.


I am looking for any opportunities to develop and practice web development and design skills. If you or someone you know might be interested in working with me or have any questions about my projects and skills, feel free to reach out!